* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Christophe Ponsard

Registered user since Sat 10 Feb 2018

Name:Christophe Ponsard

Ir. Christophe Ponsard is the head of Software and System Engineering department of CETIC. He holds a master in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. His main area of expertise is software engineering, more specifically requirements engineering, model-driven engineering, operations research and the management of specific non-functional requirements like security, sustainability and accessibility. He is actively contributing to a number of Regional and European applied research programs dealing with Cloud computing, eGovernment and transportation/logistics systems. He is also involved in valorisation activities in local companies using co-innovation techniques.

Research interests:Requirements Engineering, Model-Based System Engineering, Software Quality, Operations Research, Sustainability


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