* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Pablo Gómez-Abajo

Registered user since Sun 11 Mar 2018

Name:Pablo Gómez-Abajo

Pablo Gómez-Abajo is an assistant professor at the department of computer science of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He got his bachelor’s degree in 2006 and after 8 years in the industry, he returned to Academia and joined the Modelling and Software Engineering research group in 2015. He finished his master’s degree in research in computer science in 2016 with a special mention in his final project “A framework for the automated generation of exercises via model mutation”. He has three publications in journals and has participated in five international conferences. He finished his PhD in computer science “A domain-specific language for model mutation” in 2020 with the highest possible mark.

Affiliation:Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Research interests:Computer Science, Software Engineering, Model-Driven Engineering, Human-Computer Interaction, Adaptive Systems


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