* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Sahar Tahvili

Registered user since Tue 1 Nov 2016

Name:Sahar Tahvili

Sahar Tahvili is a researcher at RISE (Technical Research Institute of Sweden) and also an industrial Ph.D. student at Mälardalen University, embedded systems division. In 2014, she graduated as M.Phil. in Applied Mathematics with emphasis on optimization from Mälardalen University. Sahar’s research focuses on advanced methods for testing complex software-intensive systems and designing the decision support systems (DSS). She also has a background in Aeronautical Engineering.

Sahar holds a licentiate degree in software testing, ‘‘A Decision Support System for Integration Test Selection’’, since 2016.

Affiliation:RISE SICS AB
Research interests:Software testing, Applied mathematics, Optimization, Fuzzy logic


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