* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Vadim Markovtsev

Registered user since Wed 21 Mar 2018

Name:Vadim Markovtsev

Vadim is a Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning and a Lead Machine Learning Engineer at source{d} (sourced.tech) where he works with “big code” and natural languages. His academic background is MSc in compiler technologies and system programming. He is an open source zealot and an open data knight.

Vadim is one of the creators of the historical distributed deep learning platform Veles (https://velesnet.ml) while working at Samsung. Afterwards, Vadim was responsible for the machine learning efforts to fight email spam at Mail.Ru - the largest email service in Russia. In the past, Vadim was also a visiting associate professor at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, teaching about new technologies and conducting ACM-like internal coding competitions.

Personal website: https://sourced.tech
Research interests:Machine Learning,Natural Language Processing,Computer Science,Software Engineering



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