* ICSE 2018 *
Sun 27 May - Sun 3 June 2018 Gothenburg, Sweden
Vince Molnár

Registered user since Thu 10 May 2018

Name:Vince Molnár

Vince Molnár is a PhD candidate and associate researcher at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. His main research field is formal verification, with the primary focus on concurrent systems, decision diagram-based model checking and in particular the saturation algorithm. He is the leader of the development of the Gamma Statechart Composition Framework (presented at ICSE 2018). He spent 2 months at CERN as a project associate, made a 10-week visit to McGill University in Canada and worked for a total of 10 weeks in a project secondment at Resiltech Srl in Italy. Vince attended a number of PhD summer schools, and was awarded the Scholarship of the Republic and the New National Excellence Program scholarship of Hungary.

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Affiliation:Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Research interests:Formal Methods, Model-driven Software and Systems Development


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