Onward! 2015
Sun 25 - Fri 30 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Aharon Abadi

Registered user since Sat 31 May 2014

Name:Aharon Abadi

Aharon Abadi IBM-research-Haifa. Aharon works on a wide range of topics, including static analysis for mobile applications, refactoring, program transformations, mobile software engineering, mobile development tools. His work has been included in IBM products and was awarded the IBM Research Division award (RDA) and the IBM Outstanding Innovation Award (OIA). He is the main author of many patents and papers. His recent work on fine slicing received the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST) Award as Best Software Science paper presented at the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software ETAPS 2012. He is the main organizer and the PC chair of: DeMobile, MobileDeLi 2013 and 2014 and MobileSoft 2014 and 2015.

Affiliation:IBM Research


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