Onward! 2015
Sun 25 - Fri 30 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Joe Yoder

Registered user since Wed 20 Aug 2014

Name:Joe Yoder

Joseph is an agilist, computer scientist, object oriented technologist, international speaker, and pattern author. Joe serves as the President of the board of The Hillside Group, a group dedicated to improving the quality of software development. He is co-author of the Big Ball of Mud pattern, which illuminates many fallacies in software architecture. Joe teaches and mentors developers on Agile Methods, Design, Patterns, Refactoring, and Testing. Joe believes that using good patterns and putting the ability to change software into the hands of the people with the knowledge to change it seems to be one promising avenue toward better software.

Country:United States
Affiliation:The Refactory, Inc.
Personal website: http://www.joeyoder.com/
Research interests:Patterns related to Adaptive Object Modeling, Agile, Frameworks, and Security.


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