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Dr. Manns received the Distinguished Teaching Award in the Sciences (1995), the Alumni Distinguished Faculty Award (2013), the University Service Award (2013), and the Feldman Professorship Award for Outstanding Scholarship and Service (2015). Her book, Fearless Change: Patterns for introducing New Ideas was featured as the “Best Book of the Year for 2004” in the Journal of Object Technology and made the “Books that Changed My Career” list on Amazon.com. In addition, her book was recently translated and published in Japanese and Chinese. She has published in peer reviewed journals and conference proceedings and is a primary editor on her second book, Pedagogical Patterns: Advice for Educators. She has done numerous professional presentations throughout the United States, Europe and South America at a variety of conferences and in organizations that include Microsoft, amazon.com, Avon, and Proctor & Gamble. Her research interest is in the area of change leadership. Dr. Manns’ newest book, More Fearless Change: Strategies for Making Your Ideas Happen, is now available.
Dr. Manns was the UNC Asheville commencement speaker in December 2013. Her speech about “changing the world” changed the world of graduation by including a little Zumba dancing– it begins at minute marker 27:15 here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7MhyZymTRM
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