Onward! 2015
Sun 25 - Fri 30 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Patrick Neubauer

Registered user since Wed 21 Oct 2015

Name:Patrick Neubauer

Patrick Neubauer currently works in a research project (ARTIST - modernization of legacy software to the cloud) in the Business Informatics Group at the Vienna University of Technology. His current research interest focuses on the modernization of software languages and in particular their orientation towards humans and machines by facilitating model-driven engineering tools and techniques. Before that, he worked in the software engineering and consultant industry from 2012. He received his Bachelor degree in Applied Computer Science from the Free University of Bolzano, Italy. In 2014 he received his Masters degree in Business Informatics from the Vienna University of Technology for his thesis on the integration of external libraries into the Foundational UML standard.

Affiliation:Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Research interests:Software Languages, Model-driven Engineering


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