Onward! 2015
Sun 25 - Fri 30 October 2015 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
co-located with SPLASH 2015
Thu 29 Oct 2015 16:18 - 16:42 at Grand Station 3-5 - Session the Third Chair(s): Lindsey Kuper

Despite the long history of research in parsing, constructing parsers for real programming languages remains a difficult and painful task. In the last decades, different parser generators emerged to allow the construction of parsers from a BNF-like specification. However, still today, many parsers are handwritten, or are only partly generated, and include various hacks to deal with different peculiarities in programming languages. The main problem is that current declarative syntax definition techniques are based on pure context-free grammars, while many constructs found in programming languages require context information.

In this paper we propose a parsing framework that embraces context information in its core. Our framework is based on data-dependent grammars, which extend context-free grammars with arbitrary computation, variable binding and constraints. We present an implementation of our framework on top of the Generalized LL (GLL) parsing algorithm, and show how common idioms in syntax of programming languages such as (1) lexical disambiguation filters, (2) operator precedence, (3) indentation-sensitive rules, and (4) conditional preprocessor directives can be mapped to data-dependent grammars. We demonstrate the initial experience with our framework, by parsing more than 20000 Java, C#, Haskell, and OCaml source files.

Thu 29 Oct

Displayed time zone: Eastern Time (US & Canada) change

15:30 - 17:30
Session the ThirdOnward! Papers at Grand Station 3-5
Chair(s): Lindsey Kuper Intel Labs
Toward tool support for interactive synthesis
Onward! Papers
Shaon Barman UC Berkeley, Rastislav Bodík University of Washington, USA, Satish Chandra Samsung Research America, Emina Torlak University of Washington, Arka Bhattacharya UC Berkeley, David Culler UC Berkeley
Type Systems for the Masses: Deriving Soundness Proofs and Efficient Checkers
Onward! Papers
Sylvia Grewe TU Darmstadt, Sebastian Erdweg TU Darmstadt, Germany, Pascal Wittmann TU Darmstadt, Mira Mezini TU Darmstadt
Link to publication
One Parser to Rule Them All
Onward! Papers
Ali Afroozeh Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica, Anastasia Izmaylova Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
Link to publication DOI Pre-print Media Attached
Isolates, Channels and Event Streams for Composable Distributed Programming
Onward! Papers
Aleksandar Prokopec EPFL, Martin Odersky EPFL, Switzerland
A Bootstrapping Infrastructure to Build and Extend Pharo-like Languages
Onward! Papers
Guillermo Polito Inria, Stéphane Ducasse INRIA, France, Noury Bouraqadi Mines Douai, Luc Fabresse Mines Douai